Daniela Christine Huber...
...and like everyone of us, I´m on my way.
I love working in natur with all it´s creatures, especially with TREES and experiencing life as an never ending creating prozess of growing awareness.
I was born in 1983 and grew up on the remote farm of my grandparents in Austria, where I developed my love for the natural world, and trees in particular, at a very early age. After taking a degree in biochemistry and gene technology,I worked for an international corporation for several years before starting a course in fine art. I now work as an art teacher and freelance artist, and give seminars and individual consultations imparting the wisdom of trees to my clients. I live together with my husband and son in a small village in the heart of Austria between Graz and Vienna.
I´m thankful for my
son Alexander, who taught me the three
most important things in life...
...to have courage and face my fears
...to have gratitude for and take joy in the small, often
insignificant gifts that life gives us
...unconditional love
My heartfelt thanks to my family, my friends, and everyone—all the
people and creatures who have been my companions during
the many and various stages of my life and who have strengthened my belief in my dreams and visions, at once encouraging
and reminding me of my path when I lost sight of it amid the toils
and tribulations of day-to-day life.
I would like to say a special thank you to Neue Erde Verlag
publishers and their team for the editing, design, and printing
of this book; I felt I was in good hands right from the start. They
have helped to open a new door through which to bring the
wisdom of trees out into the world, allowing more people to feel
and experience a deep love of Nature once again.
Last but not least, my gratitude is to our forebears, the Celtic
people and their Druids. They lived in harmony with Mother Earth,
drawing from this bond their strength and their trust in life and
themselves; even if much of this has now been forgotten, a part
of their wisdom lives on, carefully passed down orally from generation to generation in many old customs. If we can rediscover
these customs and bring them into our daily lives, they will show
us the way back to our original balance in connection with
"Everything is possible...everything is creating anew...in every moment."